We’re delighted to advise that our premier event of the year, our Trafalgar Ladies Night is now open for booking. To book, select the booking menu item under What’s On or click here. Closing date for booking is Fri 18th October 2024.
The dinner will be held on Friday 1st November 2024. The bar opens at 19:00 for a 19:50 dinner call. The bar will close at 23:59 for carriages at 00:30. Rig is Dinner Jacket or equivalent. Uniform (2B) welcome.
It will be a traditional four course dinner with pre-dinner drink, wine, port, ships of the line, coffee & mints. Members and their first guest, £55 per person; subsequent guests £60 per person.
This is our premier event and will run along the lines of previous years with music by the HMS COLLINGWOOD Volunteer Band Brass Quintet and Parade of the Baron of Beef by the Fort Cumberland Guard. We do hope you’ll be able to join us!
The port is kindly being sponsored by the Association of Royal Navy Officers (ARNO).