We will be holding another informal lunch in the COLLINGWOOD room on Friday 21st February 2025. This will be a relaxed 2 course meal and a glass of port (wine and other drinks can be purchased from the bar (Card Only)) No speeches, just a chance to get together; Spouse/Partners/Guests most welcome. Our last lunch was a round £19 per head. Closing date Wednesday 12th February 2025. Dirlauth with the Social Sec at social@hmscoa.org or 07534290546. If you do not have a valid COLLINGWOOD pass please also provide vehicle details.
This Web Site aims to make it easier to find out about the Officers’ Association and what we’re doing, whether you’re a member or new to the site. Do have a look round!
We’re really happy to take feedback – so do let our Webmaster know if something’s not right or could be improved!
For all the latest on what’s going on in the Establishment, check out the Royal Navy’s website:
HMS Collingwood
Wardroom Burns Night
A group of us were privileged to enjoy the Wardroom Burns Night this year on Thursday 23rd January. It was an excellent evening attended by Officers, Warrant Officers and Senior Rates of the Royal Navy, Royal Airforce, Army, their guests and of course Members of the Officers Association – some 150 in all.
Exceptional Haggis (+Neaps & Tatties), Steaks and Cranachan, coupled with stirring Pipes & Drums, a great Ceilidh Band and lively, energetic Scottish Dancing!
Remembrance Ceremonies
Remembrance Parade, HMS Collingwood Monday 11th November was an overcast morning threatening rain at HMS COLLINGWOOD; nevertheless over two hundred Officers, Staff, Trainees and Civilians mustered at 1030 at the Falklands Memorial for the Remembrance Day Parade.
An ecumenical service led by the Establishment Chaplain included prayers and a reflection, culminating in the last post and the two minutes silence.
A roll call of those in Naval Service who had died during the previous twelve months was read out and wreaths were laid by Captain Tim Davey on behalf of the Establishment and by Captain Jim Palmer on behalf of the Officers’ Association.
OA Sword 2024
Rear Admiral Connell inspects the Guard On the 3rd May this year, the OA Sword was presented at Ceremonial Divisions at HMS COLLINGWOOD by the Second Sea Lord, Vice Admiral Martin Connell CBE. We were treated to an arms display by the Guard, as well as three rifle volleys and a march past by the whole parade.
The OA Sword had previously belonged to Lt Cdr Ted Wood, born in 1921 who joined the Royal Navy in 1937 as an Engine Room Artificer Apprentice and served throughout the war, including in battleship HMS NELSON (1941-1943) during the Siege of Malta and later HMS JAVELIN (1943-1946). He retired as a Lieutenant Commander in around 1971. A huge thank you to his son, Mr Richard Wood, who very kindly donated the sword.
Admiral Connell present Lt Cdr Lowe with the OA Sword for Lt Jones A beautiful slightly curved model, the sword was purchased second hand from Daufman’s Tailors of Queen Street, Portsea in the 1950s but was thought to have originally been sold in around 1900 from Matthews & Co Naval Tailors of Wickham Road, Portsea.
The Sword was awarded to Lieutenant Will Jones, for his work in the career management for all junior Warfare Officers. Many congratulations to Lt Jones for this award and we wish him well in his future career. Unfortunately, in true Naval style, Will was deployed 24 hours before the ceremony, so the sword was accepted on his behalf by Lt Cdr Gav Lowe. We hope to arrange a small ceremony when Will returns to the UK.
Annual General Meeting
This year’s OA Annual General Meeting was held in the HMS COLLINGWOOD Wardroom on Friday 7th June 2024. Minutes of the meeting will be published on the Committee Minutes page when available. Many thanks to those members who attended.