HMS COLLINGWOOD OFFICERS ASSOCIATION The HMS COLLINGWOOD Officers Association (HMSCOA) respects your privacy and we will only use your information in the way we describe in this notice. When using your information, we aim to be fair, transparent and to follow our obligations under UK data protection law. Your information is used for administering Association membership, supplying goods and services and arranging activities for our members. Our postal address for all queries is: Cdr Derek Coombes, OA Secretary, c/o Wardroom Mess, HMS COLLINGWOOD, Newgate Lane, Fareham, Hampshire, PO14 1AS, or hand deliver to the OA Sec pigeon hole in the Mess Members Letter Rack. Jim Palmer is our data protection lead. He can be contacted at email: Collecting your information We collect your information when you fill in membership application, security or event booking forms. You can give us your information using paper forms or online forms. The information you give us may include your contact details (such as name, address, telephone number or email address), personal information and identifiers (such as rank, age, decorations or mess number), and other information (such as date & place of birth or vehicle details). Additionally, when paying for membership, goods or services, it may include some financial details. We will aim only to collect and process the minimum amount of personal data needed to meet our obligations. When you give us information about other people, such as others attending an event, or an emergency contact, you should let that person know that you have given us the information. Using your information Your membership of the Association is established by a contract between us. We provide you with member benefits in return for your membership fee. Without some of your personal data, we can’t provide these benefits. We use your information when you first apply to become a member of the HMSCOA and for as long as you remain a member, to administer your membership and to provide you with member benefits. As part of your member benefits, we will send you by email or post the Association newsletter, together with details of the goods and services you’re entitled to as part of your membership. If you don’t wish to receive these, let us know and we’ll make the necessary arrangements so that you don’t. We use your information when you take part in Association events. Your information is used in these ways to fulfil our contract with you. Your information is not sold, donated or given to any other organisation except as necessary to deliver the goods or services we deliver to you or to meet our legal obligations. For example, if you attend a mess dinner, we provide your name and mess number to the Mess Office, so that seating plans and other arrangements can be made, and you can be charged for attending the event through your mess bill. We may ask you for emergency contact and next of kin details which we will only use in an emergency. We have a legitimate interest in doing so. You should let the contact and next of kin know that you have given this information to us. If you offer to help organise an event on the Association’s behalf, we may publish your name and contact details in the magazine or web site. We will not do this without having your consent. We will continue to publish the HMSCOA Membership Booklet, which lists members and their contact details and is available to other members of the Association. We will not include your personal details without having your consent. Retaining your information When your membership expires, we will send reminders. We will keep your personal data long enough to allow us to do this. We will keep details of your membership, including your contact details, for seven years after your membership lapses, in case it is required in support of any litigation. We may have to retain some of your personal data within our accounts, which by law we must retain for seven years. About your information We will do all we can to keep your personal information safe and secure. We will provide you a copy of the information we hold on you at your request at any time. This is known as a Subject Access Request. If the information is incorrect, we will update it straight away and, if you want us to, we will delete it, unless we need it to meet our legal obligations or our contractual obligations to you. You can withdraw your consent for your contact details to appear in the Membership Booklet at any time. To do so, simply contact any of the Committee members. If you have any concerns over how the Association is dealing with your personal data, please contact one of the Committee Members in the first instance. You are, of course, also able to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner if you wish. You can do that here: