Wardroom Facilities

The following facilities are available to OA members:

 Opening times

The Wardroom Mess is open at the following times:

        i.      During normal working hours Mon – Fri.

        ii.     Closed at weekends.

        iii.    Closed during establishment leave periods – it is also likely that the main gate will be locked and a sign will advise the number to ring to gain access.

Mealtimes and location (both Wardroom & Senior Rates messes) are under discussion by the establishment but at present weekday meals are in the Wardroom and weekend meals are held in a common dining facility elsewhere in the establishment.

Bar facilities

        i.      The main bar is open Mon – Fri Lunchtimes

        ii.     Woody’s bar is open in the evenings

        iii     There are no bar facilities at weekends or over the leave periods.


i.      Any member is welcome to hold a function in the mess, just as the OA is. It requires all the usual permissions e.g. from the Mess President, security team etc.

ii.     The functions can be large or small using appropriate locations e.g. Dinning Hall, Bar, Collingwood Room.

iii.    Members are also invited to attend Wardroom mess functions as guests.

iv.     There is also a Film Night which takes place on the 3rd Thursday of each month run by Mike Legg. He reports that the food is much better now and the ice cream is worth the £1 requested to cover the cost of the DVD.


The other major facility available to members is the Collingwood SARC – the Sports and Recreation Centre.

Members are entitled to use this facility, at a small cost, but have to be sponsored to do so. Our Secretary, Derek Coombes, is able to do this, but there are rules and conditions to be adhered to depending upon which facility you wish to use e.g. swimming pool, squash court, gym etc.

Please contact Derek on sec@hmscoa.org for further information.